Invited lectures
Accepted contributed lectures
- Leandro Aurichi [L]
- Angelo Bella [L]
- Agata Caserta [L]
- Andrei Catalioto [L]
- Rita Ceppitelli [L]
- Pratulananda Das [L]
- Rodrigo Dias [L]
- Donco Dimovski [L]
- Simone Ferrari [L]
- Saak Gabriyelyan [L]
- David Gauld [L]
- David Guerrero Sánchez [L]
- Hisao Kato [L]
- Moiz-ud-Din Khan [L]
- Darko Kocev [L]
- Michał Machura [L]
- Nickolay Martynchuk [L]
- Sergey Medvedev [L]
- Athanasios Megaritis [L]
- Branislav Novotný [L]
- Anna Oblakova [L]
- Yasser Fermán Ortiz-Castillo [L]
- Selma Ozcag [L]
- Bruno Antonio Pansera [L]
- George Michael Reed
- Thomas Richmond [L]
- Alexander Sostaks [L]
- Daniel Soukup [L]
- Vitalij Tjatyrko [L]
- Marian Turzański [L]
- Cetin Vural [L]
- Laszlo Zsilinszky [L]
Abstracts and lecture schedule
The abstract submission deadline (May 20) is over. Indeed, the conference is over. Accepted abstracts can be viewed here.Duration of talks: invited - 30 minutes; contributed - 20 minutes.