Automated Reasoning and Applications (89546)

Lecturer: Yoni Zohar
TA: Zvika Berger
Department of Computer Science
Bar-Ilan University

Technical Details

Time and Location



Tentative Topic List


The schedule will be updated during the semester.

Date Lesson # Topics Reference HW
3.11.24 1 Software Verification with SAT
Propositional Logic
Chapters 1,2 of Decision Procedures
Chapter 1 of Calculus of Computation
10.11.24 2 CNF
Horn Formulas
Chapter 1 of Calculus of Computation
Linear-time algorithms for testing the satisfiability of ... by Dowling and Gallier
HW 1
Due 4.12.24
17.11.24 3 DPLL Solving SAT and SAT Modulo Theories... by Nieuwenhuis et al.
24.11.24 4 DPLL correctness
Solving SAT and SAT Modulo Theories... by Nieuwenhuis et al.
Slides about DPLL and CDCL by Cesare Tinelli.
1.12.24 5 Fucntional Signatures
Congruence Closure: Calculus
Chapters 2, 9.1, 9.2 of Calculus of Computation
Chapter 4 of Decision Procedures
HW 2
Due 25.12.24
8.12.24 6 Congruence Closure: Correctness
Chapter 4 of Decision Procedures
Chapter 9.2 of Calculus of Computation
15.12.24 7 DPLL(UF) Solving SAT and SAT Modulo Theories... by Nieuwenhuis et al.
CAV Award
22.12.24 8
-- Hanukkah
5.1.25 9 HW 3
Due 5.2.25
12.1.25 10
19.1.25 11 HW 4 (RESHUT)
Due 5.2.25
26.1.25 12
2.2.25 13