Here are some research topics in which I am especially interested.

Cooperation in Multi-agent systems
I am very interested in models of multi-agent cooperation and teamwork---especially, the role that information plays in such models. Most realistic settings nowadays are characterized by uncertainty; hence information plays a key role in the ability of agents to achieve their goals in an efficient manner. In that sense, acquiring and sharing information often requires that some resources be consumed, hence agents need to carefully reason about what information they should obtain and share with others when working together. The methods I work on apply to both cooperative and self-interested agents. In particular, I put significant emphasis on the detrimental effect that information sharing can have in models of multi-agent cooperation, if not managed properly.

Economic paradigms
Much of my work deals with electronic markets, auctions and mechanism design, bargaining and negotiation. In these models I tend to focus on the way the equilibrium analysis changes upon augmenting the legacy model by introducing information broker/provider in the MAS. Alongside the analysis of individual strategies and social welfare aspects this research provides important foundations for theories of information providers in multi-agent systems, the way they should price their services and the influence of their existence and pricing on the MAS as a whole. It turns out that in many cases, the sole existence of the information provider actually lowers the benefit of the agents, and social welfare can be substantially improved by pushing the information provider off the market.

Agent-based simulation
My interest in agent-based simulation is mainly in finding ways for reliable representation and modeling of people and bounded rational agents acting on behalf of people. One turn-key technology I am especially interested in is PDAs. PDAs stands for peer-designed agents – computer agents developed by typical programmers, not experts in decision-making. In recent research, I have managed to demonstrate the effectiveness of this technology in generating a variety of realistic strategies and behaviors and how it can be used for alleviating the simulation and behavior analysis of systems populated by human individuals with diverse strategies.

Agents and People
I am interested in intelligent user interfaces, both for adversarial and cooperative settings. Much of my work in this area deals with developing methods for selective information disclosure, to be used by autonomous agents when interacting with people in order to influence them. This way, agents and platforms can improve the benefit of people or agents that use their services, to attract more customers, or alternatively to benefit from their users' overconsumption of their services.

Economic Search

I use economic search, which has many real-life applications, as a modeling framework and a test-bed for my research.  Economic search problems involve both uncertainty and costs of information gain.  These models represent a wide variety of activities, including many in which agents are likely to participate (e.g., a consumer searching for a product, a saver searching for an investment), mostly due to their recurring nature. In an economic search, an agent needs to choose among several opportunities, each of which has an associated distribution of gains; in order to obtain the actual gain from this distribution, the agent incurs a cost. In such problems, agents need to take into consideration the trade-off between the cost of further exploration and the additional benefit of knowing more values.  Unlike typical AI problems of exploration---exploitation tradeoffs (e.g., multi-armed bandit problems), in economic search, the exploration yields a specific value (rather than simply narrowing the distribution) and the end goal is the choice of an opportunity (rather than of an entity with which to continue interacting). It is also distinguishable in that it has a closed-form solution.  
Over the years I have extended theories of optimal economic search to the case of multi-agent cooperative search and investigated parallel interaction aspects in distributed matching.