Gal A. Kaminka: Publications

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Towards Detection of Suspicious Behavior from Multiple Observations

Boštjan Kaluža, Gal A. Kaminka, and Milind Tambe. Towards Detection of Suspicious Behavior from Multiple Observations. In AAAI 2011 Workshop on Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition (PAIR 2011), 2011.





Additional Information


	author = {Bo\v stjan Kalu\v za and Gal A. Kaminka and Milind Tambe},
	title = {Towards Detection of Suspicious Behavior from Multiple Observations},
	booktitle = {AAAI 2011 Workshop on Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition ({PAIR} 2011)},
	OPTaddress = {San Francisco, California},
	OPTmonth = {August},
        OPTnote = {A revised and extended version appears in AAMAS 2012},
  wwwnote = { }, 
  OPTnote = {Bostjan Kaluza},
	year = {2011}

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