Gal A. Kaminka: Publications

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CPNP: Colored Petri Net Representation of Single-Robot and Multi-Robot Plans

Limor Marciano. CPNP: Colored Petri Net Representation of Single-Robot and Multi-Robot Plans. Master's Thesis, Bar Ilan University,2013.




Single-robot and multi-robot plans are steadily gaining interest in the academic community and in industry. The representation of such plans (for analysis, validation, monitoring, etc) is an important aspect of both single-robot and multi-robot systems. There are a great many challenges that should be addressed when representing robot plans in real world environments, such as dealing with interrupts, modeling concurrent events, reducing space complexity, providing validation and verification, etc. The current thesis addresses these issues. First, we introduce a framework called Colored Petri Net Plans (CPNPs) that explicitly represents single-robot plans based on Colored Petri Nets. This framework provides a comprehensive approach that addresses the mentioned challenges and proposes building blocks for representing single-robot plans. Then, we provide a space complexity analysis of existing multi-robot representations and examine their suitability for representing multi-robot plans. Finally, we extend the CPNP framework in order to represent multi-robot plans. The framework provides operators for representing either centralized or distributed plans. These operators are built based on the insights gained from the space complexity analysis in order to minimize the space complexity of the representation.

Additional Information


author = {Limor Marciano},
title = {CPNP: Colored Petri Net Representation of Single-Robot and Multi-Robot Plans},
school = {{B}ar {I}lan {U}niversity},
year = {2013},
OPTkey = {},
OPTtype = {},
OPTaddress = {},
OPTmonth = {},
OPTnote = {Available at \url{}},
OPTannote = {},
  wwwnote = {}, 
  abstract = {
  Single-robot and multi-robot plans are steadily gaining interest in the academic community 
  and in industry. The representation of such plans (for analysis, validation, monitoring, etc) is an 
  important aspect of both single-robot and multi-robot systems. There are a great many challenges 
  that should be addressed when representing robot plans in real world environments, such as dealing 
  with interrupts, modeling concurrent events, reducing space complexity, providing validation and 
  verification, etc. The current thesis addresses these issues. First, we introduce a framework called 
  Colored Petri Net Plans (CPNPs) that explicitly represents single-robot plans based on Colored 
  Petri Nets. This framework provides a comprehensive approach that addresses the mentioned 
  challenges and proposes building blocks for representing single-robot plans. Then, we provide a 
  space complexity analysis of existing multi-robot representations and examine their suitability for 
  representing multi-robot plans. Finally, we extend the CPNP framework in order to represent 
  multi-robot plans. The framework provides operators for representing either centralized or  distributed 
  plans. These operators are built based on the insights gained from the space complexity analysis 
in order to minimize the space complexity of the representation.},

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