Gal A. Kaminka: Publications

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Intelligent Agents are More Complex: Initial Empirical Findings

Gal A. Kaminkai and Alon T. Zanbar. Intelligent Agents are More Complex: Initial Empirical Findings. In Artificial Intelligence Methods for Software Engineering, pp. 87–100, World Scientific, 2021.


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The question of the specialization of autonomous agents as software artifacts, has been a subject for debates within the software engineering community. We empirically investigate agent software repositories using commonly used software metrics, which are used in software engineering research and practice to quantify meaningful characteristics of software based on its source code. We contrast the measurements with those of software in other categories. Analyzing hundreds of software projects, we find that agent software is clearly and significantly different from other types of software of comparable size. In particular, it is distinguished by software code complexity measures. These findings support justify and further motivate research into agent-oriented programming theories, languages, middleware, and architectures.

Additional Information


author = {Gal A. Kaminkai and Alon T. Zanbar},
title = {Intelligent Agents are More Complex: Initial Empirical Findings},
booktitle = {Artificial Intelligence Methods for Software Engineering},
publisher = {World Scientific},
pages = {87--100},
OPTnote = {},
wwwnote = { },
year = {2021},
OPTurl = {},
doi = {10.1142/9789811239922_0004},
abstract = {
    The question of the specialization of autonomous agents as software artifacts, has been a subject
    for debates within the software engineering community. We empirically investigate agent software repositories using commonly
    used software metrics, which are used in software engineering research and practice to quantify meaningful characteristics
    of software based on its source code. We contrast the measurements with those of software in other categories. Analyzing 
    hundreds of software projects, we find that agent software is clearly and significantly different from other types of 
    software of comparable size.  In particular, it is distinguished by software code complexity measures. These findings 
    support justify and further motivate research into agent-oriented programming theories, languages, middleware, and architectures.

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