Versioning File Systems

Dr. Yair Wiseman's home page

D. S. Santry, M. J. Feeley, N. C. Hutchinson, A. C. Veitch, R. W. Carton and J. Ofir, "Deciding When to Forget in the Elephant File System", ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles, Kiawah Island Resort, South Carolina, pp. 110-123, December 12-15, 1999.

D. J. Santry, M. J. Feeley, N. C Hutchinson, and A. C. Veitch, "Elephant: The File System That Never Forgets", Proc. Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, Rio Rico, Arizona, pages 2-7, 1999.
M. D. Schroeder, D. K. Gifford and R. M. Needham, "A Caching File System for a Programmer's Workstation", Proceedings of the tenth ACM symposium on Operating systems principles, Orcas Island, Washington, pp. 25-34, 1985.
T. Yamamoto, M. Matsushita and K. Inoue, "Accumulative Versioning File System Moraine and Its Application to Metrics Environment MAME", Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations of software engineering, pp. 80-87, Shelter Island, San Diego, California, USA, November 6-10, 2000.
C. A. N. Soules, G. R. Goodson, J. D. Strunk, and G. R. Ganger, "Metadata Efficiency in Versioning File Systems," in Proceedings of the Second USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 2003), pp. 43-58, San Francisco, California, March 31-April 2, 2003.
K. Muniswamy-Reddy, C. P. Wright, A. Himmer and E. Zadok, "A Versatile and User-Oriented Versioning File System", in Proceedings of the Third USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 2004), pp. 115-128, San Francisco, California, March 31-April 2, 2004.