Multi-robot formation maintenance

Multi-robot formation maintenance is the task where multiple robots move while maintaining a given geometric shape. We have approached the challenge of creating robust distributed robot controllers base on graph-theoretic analysis of the formations. The synthesized formation-control rules are tailored to each robot’s position and perception capabilities, and are guaranteed to maintain the formation optimally, in face of sensor and relative localization errors. The algorithms also select the optimal leader robot for the formation. See the following publications:
- G. A. Kaminka, R. Schechter-Glick, and V. Sadov. Using sensor morphology for multi-robot formations. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, pages 271–282, 2008.
- G. A. Kaminka, I. Lupu, and N. Agmon. Construction of Optimal Control Graphs in Multi-Robot Systems. In 13th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS-2016), Springer, 2016.