@COMMENT This file was generated by bib2html.pl version 0.94
@COMMENT written by Patrick Riley
@COMMENT This file came from Gal A. Kaminka's publication pages at
@COMMENT http://www.cs.biu.ac.il/~galk/publications/
author = {Inbal Wiesel-Kapah},
title = {A Programming Language and Compiler for Molecular Robot Swarm in Biomedical Applications},
school = {{B}ar {I}lan {U}niversity},
year = {2016},
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OPTnote = {Available at \url{http://www.cs.biu.ac.il/~galk/Publications/b2hd-wiesel-msc.html}},
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abstract = {The development of new drugs and treatments is one of the fundamental activities in medicine.
The main challenge is to translate medical knowledge to a drug that treats a medical condition.
This process is long and complex, much because of the different areas of expertise that are required to
produce a drug: physiological knowledge about the disease or condition being treated,
medical ideas about possible remedies (in the sense of how to fundamentally address the condition),
chemical and biological knowledge of how these remedies can be implemented in the form
of drug or treatment, and the testing of those to verify their safety. Recently, molecular robots
on the nanometer scale (nanobots) have been proposed to alleviate the complexity of this task.
Nanobots deliver compounds to specific targets in the body, without worrying about side-effects
and long testing periods. However, every nanobot must be designed by an expert, for the specific
case. Complex procedures, or those requiring complex targeting, lead to prohibitively complex
nanobot designs. Instead, we advocate an approach where a mixture (cocktail) of heterogeneous
simple nanobots carries out complex tasks. We present Tolkien, a novel framework for programing
biomedical nanobots, by synthesizing heterogeneous nanobot mixtures from on high-level biomedical
programming code, and generic nanobot designs that can be specialized, e.g., for specific
payloads. Specifically, we present the Athelas rule-based programming language (for describing
medical procedures), and the Bilbo compiler that transforms Athelas programs into combinations
of specialized nanobots, that together execute the procedures prescribed. },