@COMMENT This file was generated by bib2html.pl version 0.94 @COMMENT written by Patrick Riley @COMMENT This file came from Gal A. Kaminka's publication pages at @COMMENT http://www.cs.biu.ac.il/~galk/publications/ @InCollection{ffd-aamasworkshops11, author = {Matan Keidar and Eran Sadeh-Or and Gal A. Kaminka}, title = {Fast Frontier Detection for Robot Exploration}, booktitle = {Advanced Agent Technology: AAMAS 2011 Workshops. Revised Selected Papers}, OPTcrossref = {}, OPTkey = {}, pages = {281--294}, year = {2012}, editor = {Francien Dechesne and Hiromitsu Hattori and Adriaan ter Mors and Jose M. Such and Danny Weyns and Frank Dignum}, volume = {7068}, OPTnumber = {}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science ({LNCS})}, OPTaddress = {}, OPTmonth = {}, OPTorganization = {}, publisher = {Springer}, note = {Originally appeared in the Autonomous Robots and Multirobot Systems ({ARMS}) workshop at {AAMAS} 2011. This is an early (and incorrect) version of the later AAMAS 2012 paper with a similar title. For the definitive paper, look at "Keidar, M. and Kaminka, G.A. "Efficient Frontier Detection for Robot Exploration", Int'l Journal of Robotics Research 2014 (http://https://u.cs.biu.ac.il/~kaminkg/publications/b2hd-ijrr14.html).}, OPTannote = {}, OPTurl = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-27216-5_20}, OPTdoi = {}, OPTissn = {978-3-642-27215-8}, OPTlocalfile = {}, OPTabstract = {}, wwwnote = { }, }