Gal A. Kaminka: Publications

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First Steps Towards Planning for Targeted Medicine

Lee-or Alon, Hana Weitman, and Gal A. Kaminka. First Steps Towards Planning for Targeted Medicine. In Proceedings of the ICAPS Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling (KEPS), 2023.




Targeted nanomedicine involves the use of nanometer-scale devices that target specific tissues and organs, while reducing side effects. It creates opportunities for ground-breaking applications in medical imaging, diagnosis, and treatment. These applications require careful planning of the type, dosage, and timing of administrating nano-devices, which cause cascading reactions, ending with a medically-desired result. Such planning is currently only carried out manually. We present a novel representation of targeted nanomedical treatment problems, related---but distinct---from familiar temporal planning approaches. We discuss preliminary steps towards planning and scheduling approaches for solving such problems. The formulation opens novel directions for the use of planning in targeted medicine.


		title = {First Steps Towards Planning for Targeted Medicine},
		author = {Lee-or Alon and Hana Weitman and Gal A. Kaminka},
		 booktitle = {Proceedings of the ICAPS Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling ({KEPS})},
   year = {2023},
  abstract = {
		Targeted nanomedicine involves the use of nanometer-scale devices that target specific tissues and organs, while reducing side effects.  
		It creates opportunities for ground-breaking applications in medical imaging, diagnosis, and treatment. 
		These applications require careful planning of the type, dosage, and timing of administrating nano-devices, which cause 
		 cascading reactions, ending with a medically-desired result. Such planning is currently only carried out manually. 
		We present a novel representation of targeted nanomedical treatment problems, related---but distinct---from 
		familiar temporal planning approaches. We discuss preliminary steps towards planning and scheduling approaches for 
		solving such problems. The formulation opens novel directions for the use of planning in targeted medicine. 

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