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Jason Tsai, Emma Bowring, Shira Epstein, Natalie Fridman, Prakhar Garg,
Gal Kaminka, Andrew Ogden, Milind
Tambe, and Matthew Taylor. Agent-based Evacuation Modeling: Simulating the Los Angeles International Airport.
In Workshop on Emergency Management: Incident, Resource, and Supply Chain Management EMWS-09), 2009.
@InProceedings{emws09, author = {Jason Tsai and Emma Bowring and Shira Epstein and Natalie Fridman and Prakhar Garg and Gal Kaminka and Andrew Ogden and Milind Tambe and Matthew Taylor}, title = {Agent-based Evacuation Modeling: Simulating the Los Angeles International Airport}, booktitle = {Workshop on Emergency Management: Incident, Resource, and Supply Chain Management {EMWS}-09)}, OPTcrossref = {}, OPTkey = {}, OPTpages = {}, year = {2009}, OPTeditor = {}, OPTvolume = {}, OPTnumber = {}, OPTseries = {}, OPTaddress = {}, OPTmonth = {}, organization = {Center for Emergency Response Technologies, {U}niversity of {C}alifornia, Irvine}, OPTpublisher = {}, OPTnote = {}, OPTannote = {}, OPTurl = {http://www.ics.uci.edu/~projects/cert/EMWS09/index.html}, OPTdoi = {}, OPTissn = {}, OPTlocalfile = {}, abstract = {}, wwwnote = { }, }
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