Gal A. Kaminka: Publications

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Rapid Semi-Autonomous Multi-Robot USAR and Indoor Clearing

Gal A. Kaminka, Ari Yakir, Dan Erusalimchik, Matan Keidar, Shahar Kosti, and David Sarne. Rapid Semi-Autonomous Multi-Robot USAR and Indoor Clearing. In AUVSI 2012, 2012.





Additional Information


 author = {Gal A. Kaminka and Ari Yakir  and Dan Erusalimchik  and Matan Keidar and Shahar Kosti  and David Sarne},
 title = {Rapid Semi-Autonomous Multi-Robot USAR and Indoor Clearing},
 booktitle = {{AUVSI} 2012},
 OPTcrossref = {},
 OPTkey = {},
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 year = {2012},
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 OPTpublisher = {},
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 OPTannote = {},
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  wwwnote = {},
 OPTabstract = {},

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