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Molecular robots obeying Asimov's three laws of robotics

Gal A. Kaminka, Rachel Spokoini-Stern, Yaniv Amir, Noa Agmon, and Ido Bachelet. Molecular robots obeying Asimov's three laws of robotics. Artificial Life, 23(3):343–350, 2017.


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Asimov's three laws of robotics, which were shaped in the literary work of Isaac Asimov (1920--1992) and others, define a crucial code of behavior which fictional autonomous robots must obey as a condition for their integration into human society. While general implementation of these laws in robots is widely considered impractical, limited-scope versions have been demonstrated and have proven useful in spurring scientific debate on aspects of safety and autonomy in robots and intelligent systems. In this work, we use Asimov's laws to examine these notions in molecular robots fabricated from DNA origami. We successfully programmed these robots to obey, by means of interactions between individual robots in a large population, an appropriately-scoped variant of Asimov's laws, and even emulate the key scenario from Asimov's story 'Runaround', in which a fictional robot gets into trouble despite adhering to the laws. Our findings show that abstract, complex notions can be encoded and implemented at the molecular scale, when we understand robots on this scale on the basis of their interactions.


 author = {Gal A. Kaminka and Rachel Spokoini-Stern and Yaniv Amir and Noa Agmon and Ido Bachelet},
 title = {Molecular robots obeying {Asimov}'s three laws of robotics},
 journal = {Artificial Life},
 OPTnote = {},
 pages = {343--350},
 year = {2017},
 volume = {23},
 number = {3},
 OPTurl = {},
 doi = {10.1162/ARTL_a_00235},
 OPTwwwnote = {The article is can be freely accessed (open-access) on the journal home is at <a href=""></a>},
 abstract = {Asimov's three laws of robotics, which were shaped in the literary work of Isaac 
   Asimov (1920--1992) and others, define a crucial code of behavior which fictional 
   autonomous robots must obey as a condition for their integration into human society. 
   While general implementation of these laws in robots is widely considered impractical, 
   limited-scope versions have been demonstrated and have proven useful in spurring 
   scientific debate on aspects of safety and autonomy in robots and intelligent systems. 
   In this work, we use Asimov's laws to examine these notions in molecular robots 
   fabricated from DNA origami. We successfully programmed these robots to obey, by 
   means of interactions between individual robots in a large population, an 
   appropriately-scoped variant of Asimov's laws, and even emulate the key scenario 
   from Asimov's story 'Runaround', in which a fictional robot gets into trouble despite 
   adhering to the laws. Our findings show that abstract, complex notions can be encoded 
   and implemented at the molecular scale, when we understand robots on this scale on 
   the basis of their interactions.},

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