Gal A. Kaminka: Publications

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The Impact of Culture on Crowd Dynamics: An Empirical Approach

Natalie Fridman, Gal A. Kaminka, and Avishay Zilka. The Impact of Culture on Crowd Dynamics: An Empirical Approach. In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS-13), 2013.




In agent-based social simulation, crowd models are used to generate agent behaviors thatshould correspond closely to human crowds. Despite significant progress in this area,many existing crowd models do not yet account for important cultural factors in crowd behavior,and even more so, for mixed-culture crowds. Moreover, evaluation of crowd models accountingfor culture is particularly difficult, e.g., as controlled experiments are more difficult to setup, due to lack of subjects from different cultures.In this paper we examine the impact of cultural differences on crowd dynamics inpedestrian and evacuation domains.We account for micro-level cultural attributes: personal spaces, speed,pedestrian avoidance side and group formations. We thenquantitatively validate the macro-level predictions of an agent-based simulation utilizing these against datafrom web-cam movies of human pedestrian crowds recorded in five differentcountries: Iraq, Israel, England, Canada and France. Using the validated simulations, we investigate the impact ofeach micro-level attribute on the resulting macro level behavior. We also examine the impact of mixed cultures onmacro-level behavior. In the evacuation domain, we use an established simulation system to investigate cultural differences reported in the literature, and additionally explore the resulting macro level behavior.

Additional Information


 author = {Natalie Fridman and Gal A. Kaminka and Avishay Zilka},
 title = {The Impact of Culture on Crowd Dynamics: An Empirical Approach},
 booktitle = AAMAS-13,
 OPTcrossref = {},
 OPTkey = {},
 OPTpages = {},
 year = {2013},
 OPTeditor = {},
 OPTvolume = {},
 OPTnumber = {},
 OPTseries = {},
 OPTaddress = {},
 OPTmonth = {},
 OPTorganization = {},
 OPTpublisher = {},
 OPTnote = {},
 OPTannote = {},
 OPTurl = {},
 OPTurldate = {},
 OPTlastchecked = {},
 OPTdoi = {},
 OPTisbn = {},
 OPTissn = {},
 OPTlocalfile = {},
 abstract = { In agent-based social simulation, crowd models are used to generate agent behaviors that
should correspond closely to human crowds. Despite significant progress in this area,
many existing crowd models do not yet account for important cultural factors in crowd behavior,
and even more so, for mixed-culture crowds. Moreover, evaluation of crowd models accounting
for culture is particularly difficult, e.g., as controlled experiments are more difficult to set
up, due to lack of subjects from different cultures.
In this paper we examine the impact of cultural differences on crowd dynamics in
pedestrian and evacuation domains.
We account for micro-level cultural attributes: personal spaces, speed,
pedestrian avoidance side and group formations. We then
quantitatively validate the macro-level predictions of an agent-based simulation utilizing these against data
from web-cam movies of human pedestrian crowds recorded in five different
countries: Iraq, Israel, England, Canada and France. Using the validated simulations, we investigate the impact of
each micro-level attribute on the resulting macro level behavior. We also examine the impact of mixed cultures on
macro-level behavior. In the evacuation domain, we use an established simulation system to investigate
 cultural differences reported in the literature, and additionally explore the resulting macro level behavior.
  wwwnote = {},
 OPTkeywords = {},

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