Gal A. Kaminka: Publications

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ESCAPES - Evacuation Simulation with Children, Authorities, Parents, Emotions, and Social comparison

Jason Tsai, Natalie Fridman, Matthew Brown, Andrew Ogden, Inbal Rika, Xuezhi Wang, Shira Epstein, Avishay Zilka, Matthew Taylor, Milind Tambe, Emma Bowring, Stacy Marsella, Gal A. Kaminka, and Ankur Sheel . ESCAPES - Evacuation Simulation with Children, Authorities, Parents, Emotions, and Social comparison. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS-11), 2011.




In creating an evacuation simulation for training and planning, realisticagents that reproduce known phenomenon are required. Evacuationsimulation in the airport domain requires additional featuresbeyond most simulations, including the unique behaviors of first-timevisitors who have incomplete knowledge of the area and familiesthat do not necessarily adhere to often-assumed pedestrianbehaviors. Evacuation simulations not customized for the airportdomain do not incorporate the factors important to it, leading toinaccuracies when applied to it.In this paper, we describe ESCAPES, a multiagent evacuationsimulation tool that incorporates four key features: (i) differentagent types; (ii) emotional interactions; (iii) informational inter actions;(iv) behavioral interactions. Our simulator reproduces phenomenaobserved in existing studies on evacuation scenarios andthe features we incorporate substantially impact escape time. Weuse ESCAPES to model the International Terminal at Los AngelesInternational Airport (LAX) and receive high praise from security officials.

Additional Information


author = { Jason Tsai and Natalie Fridman and Matthew Brown and Andrew Ogden and Inbal Rika and Xuezhi Wang and Shira Epstein and Avishay Zilka and Matthew Taylor and Milind Tambe and Emma Bowring and Stacy Marsella and Gal A. Kaminka and Ankur Sheel  },
title = {{ESCAPES} - Evacuation Simulation with Children, Authorities, Parents, Emotions, and Social comparison},
booktitle = AAMAS-11,
OPTcrossref = {},
OPTkey = {},
OPTpages = {},
year = {2011},
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OPTvolume = {},
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abstract = {In creating an evacuation simulation for training and planning, realistic
agents that reproduce known phenomenon are required. Evacuation
simulation in the airport domain requires additional features
beyond most simulations, including the unique behaviors of first-time
visitors who have incomplete knowledge of the area and families
that do not necessarily adhere to often-assumed pedestrian
behaviors. Evacuation simulations not customized for the airport
domain do not incorporate the factors important to it, leading to
inaccuracies when applied to it.
In this paper, we describe ESCAPES, a multiagent evacuation
simulation tool that incorporates four key features: (i) different
agent types; (ii) emotional interactions; (iii) informational inter actions;
(iv) behavioral interactions. Our simulator reproduces phenomena
observed in existing studies on evacuation scenarios and
the features we incorporate substantially impact escape time. We
use ESCAPES to model the International Terminal at Los Angeles
International Airport (LAX) and receive high praise from security officials.},
  wwwnote = {},

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