The MAVERICK Research Group


The MAVERICK group conducts research at the absolute cutting edge of artificial intelligence and robotics. We are interested in both mechanisms (algorithms that do one thing well), as well as in architectures (systems that integrate mechanisms, to do many things well).

Broadly speaking, we are interested in how to build artificial social minds. This translates into specific interests and research projects combining planning, execution, and machine learning in areas such as multi-robot coordination and teamwork, robot swarms (including molecular robots (nanobots)), plan recognition, behavior recognition, and goal recognition.

Sometimes, the research takes us further than anticipated. Our interest in plan recognition has led to investigate models human social cognition, and the work on teamwork in multi-robot systems have led to new algorithms for robot coverage path planning, for multi-robot formation maintenance, robot patrolling and other multi-robot tasks.

Current Members

  • Dr. Chana Weitman is the best lab manager in the world, and my partner in research.
  • Eyal Weiss (PhD) is working on online-modeling for offline planning. Eyal is an Adams Fellow.
  • Lee-or Alon (PhD) is working on planning for medicinal molecular robotics. Co-advised by Dr. Chana Weitman. Lee-or is an Azrieli Fellow.
  • Noam Zvi (MSc) is working on using reinforcement learning to improve and enhance one-on-one interactions between a robot and a user.
  • Erel Shtossel (MSc) is working on novel state representations to enable reinforcement learning in swarms.
  • Elie Nedjar (MSc) is working on using learn how the individual locust makes its decisions. Co-advised by Dr. Uri Shaham.
  • Yifat Yankovich (MSc) is working on recognition of novel goals in plan and goal recognition.