** I am looking for highly motivated students and postdocs! If you are interested in formal verification, hyperproperties, or automata learning, please get in touch! **
I am a senior lecturer (assistant professor) at the Department of Computer Science at Bar Ilan University. Broadly, I am interested in automatically proving the correctness of programs, using mathematical tools such as logics and automata theory. Specifically, my main line of research is forming logical frameworks and verification methods for complex hyperproperties, such as common knowledge, security properties, and causality. I also love to play with automata, and I am particularly interested in automata learning and its applications in program verification and repair.
Ongoing and future verification events that I co-organize (for past events, see Events & Academic Service):
- HYPER 2025 workshop co-located with CAV 2025!
- The bi-weekly BIU Formal Verification Seminar. Feel free to show up if you are interested in any kind of formal verification!
I joined BIU in September 2024. Before that, I was a postdoctoral researcher at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, hosted by Prof. Bernd Finkbeiner. I did my PhD at the Computer Science department at the Technion, Israel, advised by Prof. Orna Grumberg and Dr. Sarai Sheinvald. My PhD thesis was about automata-theoretic approaches to the verification of systems with data.