
Robots are agents, too. Indeed, agent researchers are sometimes inspired by robots, sometimes use robots in motivating examples, and sometimes make contributions to robotics. Both practical and analytical techniques in agent research influence, and are being influenced by, research into autonomous robots and multi-robot systems.

Despite the significant overlap between the multiagent and robotics research areas, roboticists and agents researchers have only a few opportunities to meet and interact. The recently established robotics track at AAMAS is one such opportunity. The goal of the proposed workshop is to extend and widen this opportunity, by offering a forum where researchers in this area of research can interact and present promising innovative research directions, and new results. The workshop is coordinated and associated with the AAMAS robotics track.


For additional information

Noa Agmon
Computer Science Department
Bar Ilan University, ISRAEL
Tel: +972 3 531 8726



Previous Workshops: ARMS 2014 , ARMS 2013 , ARMS 2012

Important dates

Paper submission deadline

February 13, 2017

Notification of acceptance

March 2, 2017

Camera-ready submission

March 17, 2017

ARMS workshop

May 8 or 9, 2017



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